We invite you to join us in offering support to the family of our dear friends & their 3-year-old daughter, Revel, who is battling severe effects of Neurofibromatosis 1, a neurological disorder that recently hospitalized her & uprooted her family as they await answers & treatments. Surgery was completed in early May to remove a large cancerous tumor in her pelvis, followed by upcoming treatment of a benign optic pathway glioma brain tumor, common with NF1, in hopes to keep her vision intact.

    With the help of generous donations from our community & local businesses, you can help support Revel & family by purchasing any items from the Camp Revel Marketplace & we’ll give 100% of your purchase to the Hoss Hare family. You can learn more about their family & the fundraiser below, donate directly on their GoFundMe page, or purchase items from our rotating Revel Marketplace in store or online.

    100% of proceeds from items in this collection go directly to the Hoss Hare family… Check back to peruse the new donations to make a purchase with a purpose.

  • REVEL UPDATE: Home for June!

    “Revel and family got a break in between medical hoopla and we have made it home to Washington for this month to rest and reset. Revel is recovering with flying colors after her pelvic tumor removal and will return back to Boston in July to monitor her existing tumors. The hope is that the optic glioma in her head has not grown at all, and later this summer we will check back in on the cancerous pelvic tumor to be sure it is still at bay.

    She’s skipping and jumping her way through her days and although there’s still a long road ahead, we are all following her lead and her light. Revel and her twin sister Hazen are planning a “half birthday” tea party at the end of June and are quite excited about that celebration with friends and family.

    We are beyond grateful for the energy and love that has been flowing our way from near and far. And to be home for even this short time has us counting our blessings yet again! Love to ALL!”

    Revel and family


Want to make a separate or additional donation, get updates, or just help spread the word? Click the link below to access Revel’s GoFundMe page!

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Scroll down or click the link below to shop the available fundraiser items, and be sure to check back throughout the months of May & June as new donations & services are added!

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